Refund Policy & Warranty

All sales under $50 per item or set are final. Items above this amount become final 10 days after receipt by buyer. Returns for items above this amount will be charged shipping.

Replacements for defective items will be made for defective items that are proven defective within 10 days of shipment, purchaser must return defective item for inspection and agreement by Seller that the item is defective. Seller disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including the implied warranties, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or non infringment.

Risk of Loss

Title and risk of loss transfer to the purchaser upon delivery to the common carrier. All items will be shipped without insurance unless otherwise directed by the purchaser.

No License

By sale of the products bearing the copyrighted images to Purchaser, no license to any copyright, expressed or implied is granted to the Purchaser.

Mailing Address

505 Saddlewood Lane
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 461 4381voice
(713) 461 4391 fax


Creative Process

Diving Dreams


Scenic Visions

